Check Your Eligibility

Check your eligibility for business finance with our online application, without affecting your credit score and with no obligations.

Check Eligibility


How long is the application process?
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The application takes around 5 minutes to complete. Once you submit the form, you will instantly be sent tailored email feedback on your application in addition to details of the lenders we have been able to match you with.

How long does it take to secure a loan/financing?
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After selecting your preferred lender(s), the time it takes to process your application can vary, especially as we navigate our Beta phase. However, having all the required documents ready can help speed up the process.

  • Note: Being in Beta may affect response times
  • Variability: Depends on the chosen product and lender
  • Key to Efficiency: Having your documentation prepared in advance
  • Comparison: Despite being in Beta, our partners generally process applications faster than traditional banks

Speed of Service Highlights (Beta Phase)

  • Instant Options: Viewing your financing options with us takes only seconds.
  • Response Time: Generally, you'll receive offers/feedback from lenders within 24–48 hours, although this may vary during our Beta phase.
  • Rapid Funding: With your documents prepared, funding can be in your account within a few days, subject to Beta phase adjustments.

We're committed to ensuring a smooth and efficient process for all our customers, even as we fine-tune our services in Beta. Your feedback is invaluable to us and plays a crucial role in refining our platform. Thank you for your understanding and support!

Open Banking and its safety for your business
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Open Banking has revolutionised the way businesses manage their finances, offering a secure and efficient method to consolidate financial information.

How Open Banking Works:

  1. Accessibility: To utilise Open Banking for your business, you’ll need to download a compatible Open Banking app or register on a regulated website. This technology is supported by many reputable high street lenders.
  2. Consolidation of Financial Data: Open Banking gathers all your business banking accounts and financial data in one location. This centralisation is particularly beneficial for businesses seeking a comprehensive overview of their financial status.

Safety and Security in Open Banking:

  1. Data Protection: Open Banking operates under strict safety protocols. It allows your business to share banking information securely with trusted third-party providers. This system is designed to introduce more choice and innovation in financial services for both businesses and individual users.
  2. Control Over Information: Your business's financial data is 'opened' up to these third parties in a controlled and secure manner. You retain full control over what information is shared and with whom.
  3. Business Decision-Making: Open Banking facilitates better business decision-making by allowing you to compare deals and manage finances through a single platform. This modern banking method has been subject to misconceptions, such as risks to funds or unauthorised sharing of personal data. However, these concerns are unfounded, as Open Banking is built with stringent security measures and data privacy laws.

In summary, Open Banking is a safe and effective tool for businesses to manage and analyse their financial data more efficiently. It empowers businesses with greater control and insight into their finances, all while ensuring the highest standards of security and privacy.

Will my credit score be affected?
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When it comes to your credit score, we understand the importance of transparency and caution in financial dealings.

Initial Interactions and Your Credit Score:

  1. Browsing and Consultation: Registering on our website, exploring your funding options, or consulting with our Business Finance Specialists will not impact your credit score. These preliminary activities are completely credit-check free.
  2. Application Process with Lenders: As part of the application process, most lenders we collaborate with conduct credit checks. This is a standard procedure in assessing loan eligibility.

Your Consent and Credit Checks:

  1. Permission to Search: To expedite your application and simplify the process, we might request your 'permission to search.' This consent allows us to share your information with lenders appropriately and quickly.
  2. Explicit Consent Requirement: Rest assured, a credit check will only be performed by our partnered lenders if you have provided explicit consent. This ensures that your credit score is only accessed when absolutely necessary and with your full agreement.
  3. Regulation and Data Protection: Credit checks are highly regulated, and your personal data rights are rigorously protected. We adhere strictly to these regulations to safeguard your information.

Queries and Assistance:

If you have any questions or need clarification regarding credit checks, permissions, or any aspect of your finance enquiry, our team is readily available to assist you. We aim to provide clear, comprehensive information to help you make informed financial decisions.

Are we obligated to proceed with the loan, if we get approved?
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At Fundably, we prioritise your freedom of choice. Our service is designed to be no-obligation, ensuring that you can make the best decision for your business without any pressure.

Understanding the No-Obligation Process:

  1. Post-Approval Flexibility: Receiving an approved offer for your business loan does not bind you to proceed. You have the complete liberty to decide whether or not to move forward with the loan.
  2. Point of Commitment: Your commitment only begins once you have signed the loan contracts and received the loan amount (drawn down). At this stage, certain fees typically come into effect.
  3. Time to Decide: We understand the importance of careful consideration in business decisions. To support this, your loan approval remains valid for a 30-day period. This gives you ample time to evaluate your options and decide what aligns best with your business needs and goals.

Remember, our goal is to support your decision-making process, not rush it. We’re here to provide options and advice, but the final choice always rests with you.

Why don’t we just go direct?
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While approaching lenders directly is an option, Fundably offers several advantages to streamline and enhance your experience in securing a business loan.

Benefits of Using Fundably:

  1. Access to a Wide Range of Lenders: We have established relationships with numerous top lenders across the UK. This extensive network allows us to find a lender that aligns precisely with your business needs and goals.
  2. Expertise and Insider Knowledge: Our daily interactions with these lenders equip us with in-depth knowledge of their requirements and preferences. This insight enables us to efficiently match your application with the most suitable lender and advocate on your behalf.
  3. Exclusive Lender Access: Some lenders do not accept direct applications and are accessible only through brokers. By working with us, you gain access to these exclusive lending options, expanding your possibilities.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: In most instances, utilising Fundably's services does not incur additional costs. You are likely to secure an interest rate that is comparable to, or even better than, what you might obtain on your own.

Choosing Fundably means benefiting from our expertise, connections, and dedicated support, making your loan acquisition process as efficient and beneficial as possible.

Can sole traders apply via Fundably?
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Currently, our services at Fundably are tailored exclusively for registered businesses, specifically Limited Companies and not to sole traders or partnerships (of three people or less). While we recognise the important role of sole traders, our offerings and the requirements of our lending partners are specifically aligned with the needs of registered business entities. As such, we're unable to assist sole traders at this time.

We continually evaluate our services to meet the evolving needs of the business community. While at present we do not cater to sole traders, we appreciate your interest and encourage you to stay connected for any future updates to our service offerings.

We appreciate your understanding and are committed to providing the best possible service to the business segments we serve. If you represent a registered business and are seeking financial solutions, we're here to help with tailored advice and services.

Will we need a personal guarantee?
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Most of the facilities we offer do not require a personal guarantee. However, factors including the type of credit product being applied for, specific lender requirements and your individual circumstances can make a personal guarantee necessary in order to secure the right deal for your business.

Will this impact future borrowing?
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Your ability to borrow in the future is largely influenced by your current financial actions.

  1. Positive Repayment Impact: Timely repayment of a business loan can improve your credit score, demonstrating your reliability as a borrower. This can positively influence future loan applications.
  2. Negative Consequences of Default: Conversely, if your business fails to meet repayment obligations, it can be seen as high-risk by lenders, potentially hindering future borrowing prospects.
  3. Risks of Multiple Credit Applications: Applying for several credit lines simultaneously can negatively affect your credit score. That's where Funding Options can assist – we help you efficiently identify the most suitable lending options, reducing the need to apply to multiple lenders and protecting your credit score.

Who are the lenders?
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Our intelligent technology assesses a large, diverse range of lenders to match you with the most suitable finance options tailored to your needs. Our network includes:

  • Banks: Well established and modern banks offering both traditional and innovative banking solutions.
  • Independent Lenders: Flexible lenders with unique offerings.
  • Niche Altfi Specialists: Providers specialising in alternative financial solutions.

Our Selection Process:

  1. Rigorous Vetting: Each lender undergoes a thorough due diligence process and a trial period. This ensures our panel is composed of industry-leading lenders from various specialised areas.
  2. Active Engagement: We actively engage with the lenders on our panel and consistently reassess their performance. This ongoing evaluation guarantees that our customers always receive top-tier service.
  3. Commitment to Quality: We maintain high standards for customer service. If any lender falls short in delivering exceptional service to our customers, we take decisive action, which can include ceasing our collaboration with them.

Our commitment is to ensure that you, as our customer, are paired with lenders who are not just leaders in their field, but also share our ethos of excellent customer service.

How do you make money?
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We pride ourselves on offering a free, no-obligation service to our customers. Here's how our process works:

  1. Free Access: You can use our matching tool, explore your funding options, or consult with our Business Finance Specialists without any fees or obligations.
  2. Commission-Based Model: When you decide to proceed with a finance option and your application is accepted by a lender, we receive a commission from the lender. This commission is based on our standard terms and is how we sustain our business.
  3. No Extra Cost to Customers: Importantly, the cost to you, as our customer, typically remains the same as it would be if you had approached the lender directly. Our service aims to add value without additional financial burden on you.
  4. Transparency in Commissions: We believe in transparency and are more than willing to provide further details about our commission structure upon request.

If you have any questions or need more information about our services or revenue model, we encourage you to reach out to us. We're here to assist you every step of the way.

Policy on Non-Disclosure Agreements
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At Fundably, we do not sign NDAs. This policy is in place to ensure we can effectively perform our role in connecting businesses with lenders.

Why We Don't Sign NDAs:

  1. Confidentiality: Maintaining strict confidentiality is an inherent part of our operations and data protection obligations.
  2. Inherent Privacy Protections: Our existing Privacy Policy and Terms of Service already encompass comprehensive confidentiality measures. These protections often cover what would typically be included in a standard NDA.

Rest assured, the security and privacy of your information are paramount in all our interactions and processes. If you have any concerns or need further clarification about our confidentiality practices, we are more than happy to discuss them with you.

Can we repay early?
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The ability to repay a loan or credit line early depends on the lender's policies and the type of finance you have.

Repayment Flexibility and Options:

  1. Varied Lender Policies: While some lenders set a fixed monthly repayment schedule, others may offer the flexibility to make early repayments.
  2. Interest Distribution: The repayment amount can be fixed or vary, especially in relation to how interest is distributed over the loan period.
  3. Early Repayment Considerations: Some lenders allow early repayments without extra charges, but be aware that others might impose additional fees for early settlement.
  4. Personalized Repayment Estimates: To understand your specific repayment options, including the possibility of early repayment, we recommend applying through us. Once we match you with suitable business finance, we can provide more detailed information on your repayment options.

What are R&D Tax Credits?
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Research and Development (R&D) tax credits are a UK government incentive designed to encourage companies to invest in innovation. They provide a valuable source of cash for businesses to invest in advancing technology or science through research and development activities. SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) can significantly benefit from these tax credits, which can reduce their tax bill or provide a cash repayment for investments in technology or scientific advancements through R&D.

How quickly can I get funded?
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Whilst our focus is on providing the best deal, not the quickest, you could have funds in your account within 24 hours (subject to eligibility).

What makes Fundably different from other credit brokers?
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Fundably provides an ultra-tailored service. We use advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science to find the most relevant financial products for your business. Our platform has been designed to understand your business and your unique requirements, to enable you to secure the best outcome.

Are there specific requirements to apply for credit?
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  • You must be a director of a UK-registered business (LTD, LLP or PLC, or a partnership of four people or more). We are unable to process applications made by sole traders at this time.
  • Min £100,000 in annual revenue.
How do you provide access to tailored funding, instantly?
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Fundably collaborates closely with its lending partners to understand their credit underwriting criteria - and works with finance experts to identify the appropriate types of finance for different businesses. By leveraging this information along with the unique profile generated from your application, we use advanced AI and data science techniques to provide instant, highly tailored funding guidance. The more information you provide, the more information we have to generate tailored funding guidance for your business.